Things that are close to pH 7 work well with our bodies. Strong bases, just like acids, can burn your skin. Liquid bleach has a pH of 11 - this makes it a base. Stronger acids have the ability to eat through solid objects if spilled. We all know how it feels to accidentally get lemon juice on a cut finger. Lemon juice has a pH of 3 - this makes it an acid.

Let’s see some examples to compare pH values. The potential of Hydrogen, also known as pH, is a measure of acidity and ranges from 0 (extremely acidic) to 14 (extremely basic) with 7 being neutral. How does oxygen get in water in the first place? Much of the oxygen in water comes from plants during photosynthesis and also from air as wind blows across the water’s surface. Microorganisms, in the process of decomposing the organic material, use all the oxygen in water. Lots of organic debris (fallen leaves, sewage leak) can cause a decrease in DO concentration. Scientists use many different instruments to determine the quality of water, including Secchi disks (measure water clarity), probes, nets, gauges and meters. Certain water bodies, like swamps, naturally have low levels of DO in the water.

Most healthy water bodies have high levels of DO. This test tells you how much oxygen is dissolved in water for fish and other organisms to breathe. Oxygen is necessary for many aquatic species to survive. Colder water contains more oxygen, which is better for animals like fish and insect larvae. Generally, bacteria tend to grow more rapidly in warm waters. Plants and algae that use photosynthesis prefer to live in warm water, where there is less dissolved oxygen. It is also important to know that when the temperature goes up, water will hold more dissolved solids (like salt or sugar) but fewer dissolved gases (like oxygen). Reactions that take place in their bodies, like photosynthesis and digestion, can be affected by temperature. This means that the temperature of their bodies match the temperature of their surroundings. Some organisms prefer cool water, while some like it warm. The temperature of water can affect it in many different ways. Information can also be derived from aerial and satellite photographs by observing the surrounding environment and by collecting organisms that live in the body of water.Īlthough you might not have access to the resources of a scientist, there are some simple tests you can perform to get an idea of the quality of a particular water body: Temperature Water quality is not just measured by direct sampling. Scientists use many different instruments to determine the quality of water, including Secchi disks (measure water clarity), probes, nets, gauges and meters.